2018 Internship Report - Injee Kim
Name: Injee Kin
Architectural Conservation Programme
The University of Hong Kong
Position: 2018 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation intern
Duration: 2 February 2018 - 1 August 2018 (6 months)
Sponsorship: United Nations Peace Development Foundation
1. Proceedings
Aug 3: Travel day (Bangkok – Penang)
Prepared the meeting venue.
Aug 4: 1st day of Heritage Awards Jury meeting
First day of the Jury meeting is dedicated for the Jury to review the project entries.
In the evening, all Jury and UNESCO staff went to attend the opening ceremony of the George Town Festival.
Opening Show: KELANTAN, A LIVING HERITAGE (https://georgetownfestival.com/programmes/kelantan-a-living-heritage)
Aug 5: 2nd day of Heritage Awards Jury meeting
Winners of the 2019 Awards was shortlisted to be finalized on the last day of the meeting.
Side meeting with Think City team and advisors was held to expand the cooperation.
Evening reception was organized with the presence of HE Chief Minister of Penang at the Blue Mansion.
Ms. Gurmeet Rai, one of the Jury members presented at the Penang Heritage Trust.
Aug 6: Final day of the Jury meeting
Side meeting with UNESCO Chair at Southeast University on expanding cooperation.
2019 Awards winners were finalized for both conservation and new design category.
Farewell dinner was hosted by Think City with Penang State Minister of Culture and Tourism as Chief Guests.
Aug 7: Last day on mission
Side meeting with authors/coordinators on upcoming Awards publications
Follow up meeting with Think City for 2019 collaboration
I travelled to Langkwai for holidays!
2. Contribution & Conclusion
I coordinated with the Think City to organize the meeting in Penang, Malaysia. Reviewing the entry dossiers, contacting the submitters for submission management and request for additional materials were also part of my task. This year, eight (8) Jury members were invited to the meeting reviewing 41 entries from eight (8) countries across the Asia and the Pacific.
During the meeting, one issue was brought up that some wordings in the Awards regulations is not clear. UNESCO collected inputs from the Jury members to revise and update the regulations. Another important discussion was regarding the 20th anniversary event to be planned for next year. It was concluded that the event should reflect on the past 20 years of the Awards programme and also provide a new vision for cultural heritage conservation in the Asia and the Pacific and beyond.
Follow up actions
Prepare thank you letters and citations
Revise the Awards regulations
Share the report for Developing a Competencies Framework for Cultural World Heritage sites
Make work plan for the 2019 Awards programme to include the 20th anniversary events (Launch of the resource center, AC3 & AC4, digital archiving website, Jury meeting and the anniversary event)
It was again, a lovely experience for me to take part in the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation Jury meeting. This year marked the 19th year of the Awards programme, which made possible meaningful discussions regarding the future of the Awards and the celebrations for the 20th anniversary next year. In addition, the meeting being held outside of Bangkok for the first time in the Award’s history made the experience more rewarding.
With the kind support from Think City, the Jury and I were able to stay the Blue Mansion, which is the first Award of Excellence winner in 2000. We were also invited to various events including a tea session with the Chief Minister of Penang as well as the opening ceremony of the George Town Festival. It was invigorating to see so many cultural events take place at the World Heritage town of George Town.
I learned so much from the Jury’s invaluable expertise and knowledge regarding cultural heritage conservation, and I feel that it is also a privilege for me to be given the chance to share my experience with others through the Peace and Development Foundation. All of this would not have been possible if it was not for the generosity of PDF!

The meeting took place at a spacious room with a wonderful ocean view. The Jury is reading the project entries for final judgement.

The evening reception at the Blue Mansion, Penang, Malaysia. The hotel was the first winner of Award of Excellence in the year 2000. The Chief Minister of Penang has kindly joined us the for event.

Last night in Penang with the Jury, Think City and UNESCO.

I celebrated my birthday in Penang! This has become one of the most unforgettable birthdays I have ever had in life.